Into the Obvious: Love, sex, and other worthy themes

The unrestrictable; Love and Learning!

By Neal Wecker / June 28, 2020

Of all the possible acquisitions of duty and calling, a willingness to live above, around, and/or below redundant fear remains my most persistent thrust forward. I feel ‘living’ as existentially perilous, while at the same time experientially safe. As such, paradoxical notions of truth inspire in me ample considerations of evaluating wonder! In these viral…

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Work on Inner Strength, Practice Love, Prepare for Death

By Neal Wecker / May 29, 2020

Some years back, back when my life was reconfiguring towards the erotic, I walked a labyrinth in the style of the famous labyrinth of Chartres. It was during a retreat I was attending with a particularly important lover. At the time, we were in a dynamic process of shifting our relationship from being primary lovers…

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